Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Inspiration, Integration and Impressions

Last week, I faced one of the most stressful weeks of my career. I had several things scheduled and I wasn't quite sure how I was going to keep up the juggling act. On Sunday evening I was preparing for my final principal preparation evaluation, an interview for an assistant principal opening at my home campus, and a "Peek In The Classroom" session. These were all in addition to my normal duties of lesson plans, grades, homework for graduate school, principal preparation assignments, instructional specialist duties, full time mom and full time wife. I knew the week would be stressful to say the least. As the week progressed, I was faced with a very tragic situation. One of our 7th grade teachers suffered an aneurysm at school on Thursday. My final principal preparation evaluation was set for Thursday after school and was cancelled. On Thursday evening, we received news of an emergency faculty meeting Friday morning. In the faculty meeting we learned that our dear friend and co-worker was terminal. We were then tasked with delivering limited information to the students. We only let them know that she was hospitalized. My interview and "peek in the classroom" session were both scheduled for later that day. Fortunately the interviews were rescheduled, but my students and I still had to perform for an outside group of 150+ administrators and education service center staff. I wanted to cancel the event, but I knew how excited my students were and I could not let them down. The show went on without fail. We were impressive. We showcased our integration of technology and left a lasting impression on those "peeking" in on us. I could not have done any of this without a little inspiration and encouragement. I remembered watching a video on YouTube of tweep @davidtedu, who had applied and was accepted to the Chicago Google Certified Teacher Academy. I searched for David Theriault's video and watched it over and over. I knew in that moment that it did not matter who was "peeking" in that day. I needed to be their (my students) champion. They needed me to allow them to showcase our district and classroom to that authentic audience. I had my inspiration and my students were showcasing their integration of technology in my classroom......all of which led to a lasting impression!

This week has been tough as well. Students and staff are dealing with the loss of a great teacher and friend. She will be missed by all of us. My students have been my motivation each day and God has provided me with strength. I love my job and my Forte family!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Misty. Really heavy blog post. There is a crazy balancing act we must carry as humans. Tragedy surrounds us and yet we must carry on. As teachers we must do more than carry on, we must carry others, cheer others, inspire others. You have done the latter for me today. I'm feeling completely unhinged with obligations as we roll into the school year and yet I must rise to the challenge. Thank you Misty for giving me the strength to do so.
